Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The E-Zine is Coming!

Here's a pre-view of what's coming soon from SHAKA DIVERS!

This first issue e-Zine will feature:

What to Get Your Favorite Diver for Christmas. Do you need some ideas? Look here!

A talk about the seasonal arrival of our beloved Humpback Whales. They sound so amazing when you hear them underwater!

An announcement about our new Heated Wetsuits!! Do you know that we are the first to introduce them here on our Shaka Divers Shore Diving Tours??

And finally, information on our cool contest on "New Handsignals" involving the Shaka Sign! Got any ideas? Want to win some official Shaka Gear?

Oh yeah, and don't forget to read "Shaka Doug's Monthly U/W Photo Tips! You'll get better shots if you follow his simple advice!

Remember: Dive Shaka and You'll Always Have a Shaka Dive!

1 comment:

Brooke Barber said...

Heated wetsuits? How is that done ... :-) actually - I'm afraid to ask ...